Procedures are done on site, usually in the exam room. Biopsies for diagnostic purposes, skin tag
removal, cryotherapy for the removal of benign and pre-malignant lesions such as actinic keratoses, inflamed sebhorreic lesions, and verrucae may be done at the time of the initial visit dependent upon the time necessary. If the procedure requires more time, it will be scheduled at the earliest date available.
More complex procedures
Excision and suture repair (either superficial or layered closures) for removal of lesions such as cysts or malignant lesions such as melanoma, squamous cell and basal cell carcinoma are performed under local anesthesia in our surgery suite. Other methods of treatment for skin cancers may be electrodesiccation and curettage or cryotherapy and curettage with local anesthesia. Excision and repair for cosmetic
purposes are offered; although, insurance will not cover such procedures. There is no facility charge.